
Thursday, 3 November 2011

I am very excited about starting this obviously incredible life long journey. Well if you are reading my blog, you will know i am a bit clumsy, that's because it's my first time, and i promise it will get beter with time. This amasing blog of mine despite my clumsiness is going to be the ultimate place for people to comment on stories making the news in the internatimal scene and the Ghanaian front. I will also be posting my assignments for you to know what my lectuerers think and you are welcome to comment on them. I
would like to tell you a bit about myself, i am 21 years old and the last of four sons of my parents who are known as Mr and Mrs Botchway. I am a christian and a strong believer of religious freedom, freedom of speech and the rule of law. I also believe we are responsible for the kind oe world we live in, so it is my hope that this blog will help us create a beter world for ourselves and generations to come. Goodnight and talk to you tomorrow.